Friday, 11 September 2015

The Liebster Award

Hello Friends,

So, first of all big thank you to Shona from Sho On The Go for nominating me for this award. I've seen this little logo banding around the blogosphere and am so honoured to be a part of it!

The Liebster award aims to promote smaller blogs with 200 followers or less, I'm not sure where the 200 followers have to come from but as of today I have 170 followers on Bloglovin' so I guess that counts.

These rules are not made to be broken:
1. After being nominated, make a post thanking and linking the nominator.
2. In that post include the Liebster Award logo.
3. Nominate up to 10 other new bloggers with 200 or less followers.
4. Answer the 10 questions posed to you by your nominator.
5. Make 10 questions of your own to be answered by your nominees. 

So here are the questions from Shona that I must answer:

1. Why did you start blogging?

Honestly, I used it as an excuse to buy lots of make-up and write about it. But although I haven't posted in a little while I am enjoying it for what it is. I have many a post in the line up and hundreds of photos waiting to be used!

2. If you could steal any celebrities wardrobe for yourself, who would you choose?

This may be because I just actually want to be her but I love Blake Lively's style. She's the epitome of the classy woman in my opinion!

 Even pregnant she looks awesome!

3. What is the one beauty product you cannot live without?

Mascara, mascara, mascara!! Even when I'm having a terrible skin day, a little bit of mascara makes me look human!

4. What is your favourite song at the moment?

Photograph by Ed Sheeran. Love the music video, love the song and love him.

5. What's your favourite season?

This is tricky as we're coming into Autumn but it doesn't feel like we've had a Summer which makes me long for a beautiful sunny day. However I do love Winter; I love the snow, I love winter boots and dark smokey eyes and dark lips.

6. What is your all time, number one movie?

Goodness this is hard!! Hmmm, I do love Mean Girls. That's probably my number one hangover film. I also love pretty much all animated films. That's as good an answer as I can give.

7. Do you have a favourite motto, either a famous one or one you've created for yourself?

There's two: 

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened - Dr Seuss 
(This one's a great one for break-ups!)

Be kind, for everyone who meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about - Instagram quote

8. Where do you see yourself in five years time?

Hopefully I'll have finished a Clinical Psychology PhD and be looking for a position working with people who have experienced a brain injury.

9. Where would you go on your dream holiday?

I'd love to do a road trip across America and see all those famous sights I've only seen pictures of!

10. What do you love about blogging?

I love the community, I love reading other peoples posts, finding new blogs to read and feeling like I'm a part of it all.

Now to nominate some blogs I've been loving:

And the questions you must answer:

1. What's the reason behind your blog name?
2. Why did you start blogging?
3. What are the top 5 songs on your Recently Played list?
4. What's your favourite part of doing your make-up?
5. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
6. What's your number one skincare product?
7. Do you have a favourite book, if so what is it?
8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
9. What's the most expensive beauty item you own?
10. What is your favourite month, and why?

Can't wait to see your posts, I genuinely love reading each of your blogs.



  1. I'm so honored to take part in this! Thanks so much for nominating me!

  2. Thanks for the nomination!x
